Business water advice

Conserving water

Conserving water in your business not only helps the environment but also reduces costs associated with water usage. Here are some tips to help you conserve water in your business:

  1. Carry out a Water Audit: Start by assessing your water usage to identify areas for improvement.
  2. Fix Leaks Promptly: Regularly inspect plumbing for leaks, as even small leaks can waste a lot of water.
  3. Install Water-Efficient Fixtures: Replace old toilets and faucets with low-flow models for water savings.
  4. Consider Low-Water Options: Use dry vacuum systems and low-water landscaping where possible.
  5. Implement Smart Irrigation: Use technology to adjust watering schedules based on weather and soil moisture.
  6. Educate Employees: Train staff on water-saving practices and encourage reporting of leaks.
  7. Collect and Reuse Rainwater: Use rainwater for non-potable tasks like irrigation and flushing.
  8. Optimise Cooling Systems: Maintain and optimize cooling systems for water efficiency.
  9. Use Water-Saving Cleaning Methods: Employ high-pressure, low-flow washers and consider dry-cleaning where appropriate.
  10. Monitor Water Usage: Install water meters to track consumption and identify issues.
  11. Collaborate with Suppliers: Encourage suppliers to adopt sustainable water practices.
  12. Explore Water-Saving Technologies: Consider innovative solutions like water recycling and greywater reuse systems.

Paying for business water in Scotland

All businesses receiving services from Scottish Water must pay for them through a Licensed Provider (LP). 

In some cases, your landlord might pay for water and waste water charges as part of your tenancy agreement, but you may still be charged for drainage via a Licensed Provider. 

The occupier is responsible for paying the charges, so we advise to check with your landlord which, if any, charges they cover. 

Charges apply from the date you take ownership or tenancy of the property. 

Owners of vacant properties are liable for water, waste water and drainage charges. 

If you believe there is a problem with your bill, then you should contact your LP as soon as possible. 

Water and Waste Water Charges 

Having a meter installed is the fairest way to charge business customers for services provided. 

Most Scottish businesses have a metered supply. Meters also enable you to track usage and manage bills. 

You are charged a fixed non-volumetric charge as well as a volumetric charge for your actual consumption. 

Your waste water charge is calculated based on the assumption that 95% of the water you use will end up as waste water which drains to the public sewer. 

Property Drainage 

You may be liable for property drainage, even if you don’t have a water supply or if your landlord pays for your water and sewerage charges. 

This charge is based on the Rateable Value of your property.

Property drainage covers the cost of transporting and treating surface water from your property. Most of the properties in Scotland drain into the public sewer.


Implementing water conservation measures in your business not only benefits the environment but also makes good financial sense. By conducting a water audit, fixing leaks promptly, installing water-efficient fixtures, and exploring innovative technologies, you can significantly reduce water wastage. Educating employees about water-saving practices and collaborating with suppliers further enhances your conservation efforts. Conserving water not only demonstrates your commitment to sustainability but also helps preserve this precious resource for future generations. Embracing these practices will not only lower operational costs but also contribute to a more sustainable and responsible business model. Let’s work together to conserve water and make a positive impact on the environment and society as a whole.